Schooling in Malta All you need to know about schooling in Malta
I. Education in Malta• One can apply for free schooling for their children in state schools as long as one is paying taxes in Malta and has a valid residence permit.• Church schools and independent schools do not fall under this agreement and therefore, fees need to be paid by the parents.II. Enrolling in Schools
• EU citizens should be able to register directly at the school. You may need some of the documents listed below so check with the school before you go. • Non-EU citizens should visit the Ministry of Education to enroll. As a foreigner, you are likely to need the following items (original and photocopy):
I. Education in Malta
• One can apply for free schooling for their children in state schools as long as one is paying taxes in Malta and has a valid residence permit.
• Church schools and independent schools do not fall under this agreement and therefore, fees need to be paid by the parents.
II. Enrolling in Schools
• EU citizens should be able to register directly at the school. You may need some of the documents listed below so check with the school before you go.
• Non-EU citizens should visit the Ministry of Education to enroll. As a foreigner, you are likely to need the following items (original and photocopy):
• The list of requirements could be subject to change though, so call before you go. Everyone will need to fill in the paperwork required by the school of their choice.
1. Maltese Residence card
2. Child’s birth certificate (and a notarized translation if it’s not in English)
3. Child and parents’ passports / ID cards
4. Proof of residence in Malta (e.g. rental agreement)
5. Marriage certificate (and a notarized translation if it’s not in English)
6. Legal custody document if both parents are not present (it’s easier if they are)
7. Qormi Polyclinic Screening Certificate
8. Previous school reports
• After submitting the documents, you will wait about 1 week, then they will call you and you have to go back to the Ministry of Education to collect a letter.
• Each school is managed by a college so you have to call the college office in the morning after 9:30 am to make an appointment, then bring the letter to the principal of the college.
• Again, wait some days for a call from the college to pick another letter and you need to bring this letter to the head of school/assistant head of your child's school.
• Once your child has permission to attend the school with this letter, go back to the school and finalize the rest of the process with the head of the school
IV. The School Year
III. For general admission inquiries, contact the below:
• Ministry of Education (up to secondary level) - 25980000
• Foundation for Educational Services (FES) - 22586827/29/35
• MCAST – 23987100
• GCHS - 21431047
• Junior College - 25907244
• University of Malta - 23402340
IV. The School Year
• The school year usually starts around the 3rd/4th week of September, ending in late June.
• 2 weeks break at Christmas time (end of December/beginning of January)
• 1/2 weeks at Easter time (usually sometime in March or April)
• 3-day ‘half term’ breaks in November and February
• Summer holidays are usually between the end of June and the end of September. One can find summer school which covers most of this period.
V. School Hours
• Days generally start between 8.00 am and 8.30 am and end between 1.30 pm and 3 pm up until Secondary school.
• State schools offer breakfast clubs for kinder and primary school level for parents who start work earlier than the school hours.
• Klabb 3-16 is a national program catering to learners during after-school hours in state schools only. It is an after-school service that runs between school dismissal time and 18:00 hours, subject to demand.